Amanda Hill
Sept. 21, 2024, 3:07 a.m.

Amanda Hill: Building Hope in Mental Health Care

Table of Contents

Amanda Hill’s journey into the world of mental health care is as inspiring as it is impactful. Growing up as the fifth of six children, Amanda often found herself quietly observing the dynamics around her, which unknowingly laid the foundation for her future career. Her curiosity about human behavior and a desire to make a difference led her to pursue a degree in psychology, sparking a lifelong passion for helping others.

From her early academic achievements to founding her own practice, Connections of Hope, Amanda’s story is a testament to dedication and growth. What began as a one-person operation quickly expanded into a thriving team of professionals committed to offering compassionate care. Amanda’s leadership and vision have not only shaped her practice but have also helped countless individuals navigate their mental health challenges.

In this article, readers will discover more about Amanda’s motivations, her approach to team-building, and her ambitious plans to expand Connections of Hope. We’ll also explore the values that guide her business and the advice she offers to those following a similar path in the mental health industry.

Early Life and Education

Can you tell us something about yourself, your early life, and your education?

I grew up in a large family, with 5 siblings and wonderful parents with a lot of patience! I am number 5 of 6, so with that many kids it was easy to fall through the cracks pretty often. I was very shy and quiet,  often finding myself observing the comings and goings of everyone in my household, almost as if I wasn't really there. I believe today, those early childhood experiences are what really drew me into the therapy world. 

I have always been fascinated with human nature and why we do the things we do, and as I entered college and took my first psychology course, I immediately fell in love with learning more. I completed my bachelors degree from Asbury University, and then went off to Oakland University in Michigan where I achieved my Masters degree in Counseling. Since graduating from my Masters program in 2006, I continue to be fascinated with learning and read just about every book out there on mental health and well-being! :)

Choosing Mental Health

What led you to your current profession or field of expertise?

I had a professor in my undergraduate that taught "Abnormal Psychology", which is where we really dive deep into the mental health disorders and this is what ultimately led me to making the decision to do more with my education and pursue my Masters Degree so I could do what I loved - help those in need of clarity and support with their mental health struggles. 

About Connections of Hope

Can you provide an overview of the business and its presence in the target market?

I opened my private practice, Connections of Hope, in 2020, and originally started with it just being me. Due to Covid and the presidential election both being topics of concern at the time, I became full within just a couple of months and had to make the decision at the time regarding whether I would just stay full and maintain a waiting list, or if I would choose to expand and begin hiring clinicians to work alongside me. It was really a no brainer at the time... 

I have always had a hard time not being able to give those in need a safe place to discuss their concerns and get the help that they need. So alongside my dad, who is excellent in the business field, I began to expand by hiring my first clinician, which very soon led to another, and another, and so on. As a practice we help all individuals in need, regardless of age, need, or schedule, and we hope to continue to expand our reach to help more and more people every day/month/year! 

Unique Services

What does your business offer as per the current competitive market?

I believe as a business we offer a lot in this competitive market. When I hire clinicians I purposely look for a variety of training, expertise, and preferences to add to our team which allows clients who come to us a selective choice of therapists to review and decide on based on what they may be presenting with and what their preferences are. 

Over the years if I have learned anything, it's that clients are most successful with reaching their therapy goals when they feel they have a strong therapeutic relationship with the professional they are working with. I believe this is what has continued to keep us competitive in this market, although our ultimate goal is not to compete but rather to assist and support those in need, regardless of our success as a practice.

Plans for Expansion

What are some of the growth and expansion plans you have in your pipeline?

I have enjoyed the administrative aspect of this job more than expected, as I have continued to expand, and therefore plan to never stop hiring those who share our team's goal of helping others in need. I will occasionally post job openings, but over the years I have noticed that many therapists are actually seeking us out for employment via our social media pages, our website, and/or word of mouth - which has been amazing. 

Plans to continue to expand are present, with new locations popping up everywhere, and new clinicians being added to the team each year. My long term goal is to have Connections of Hope Private Practices all over the state of Indiana, and possibly becoming nationwide one day!


Company Performance

How has the year been for your company?

This year has been wonderful, just like all the years prior. Just like any other business, we have our ups and downs as far as challenges go. But we continue to grow, expand, and learn from one another, which has been a blessed experience. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have clinicians on my team that have become like family and that is an incredible experience when you add the benefits we share in being able to do what we all love - helping others. 

This was the first year of the business that I realized we were growing so fast I wasn't able to keep up with doing the therapy, and all the administrative tasks that came along with billing, insurance, client care, and of course being there as a support for my team. So we hired out a billing company, Inspired Billing and Credentialing Services, LLC and that has been one of the best decisions we have made as a business since they specialize in a lot of the administrative tasks and the numbers part of the business that aren't so easy to keep track of without the proper training. 

This has allowed our business to flourish in ways I couldn't have imagined and I am incredibly thankful for their assistance in helping us be the most effective therapy practice we can be. 

Building Strong Teams

What measures do you think employees and organizations can take to build effective teamwork and unity?

In my opinion, the best way to build effective teamwork and unity is to maintain regular contact via weekly staff meetings, regular phone calls, emails, and texts to check in with one another, and of course social outings where we can all leave work at work and get to know one another for who we are outside of being "clinical therapists". I have found that the more each of my team members feel heard, understood, cared for and supported, the happier they are doing their job and helping others, and that will forever be a priority of mine as a business owner. 

Commitment to Innovation

Tell us about the company’s focus and investment in research and innovation.

Our company's focus is merely just to help all of those in need of mental health services and support. We want our reach to be as far as possible and as mentioned before, do everything we can to not turn anyone away who is in need. As far as investment in research, we as a team keep up with our individual research regarding each of our clients so that we can be of the upmost assistance to them, maintain our credibility and professionalism, and also attend educational clinics as a team that help inspire us to continue learning more about the different topics in the field and the most current research that has been shown to effectively treat those with certain mental health conditions.

Advice for Startups

Any tips for startups looking to get onto a similar pathway?

My biggest tip for anyone considering beginning their own practice is to be patient with the process. There were a lot of tough learning experiences for me in the beginning, but with the support of my dad, and the community of other mental health clinicians via professional facebook groups, I was able to correct mistakes I was making and learn from them. Anyone who is deciding to dive into this kind of endeavor will need to be able to have others they trust to lean on for support, questions, and concerns that pop up along the way. 

I would ultimately summarize my advice by saying "Make sure you have a team of supportive individuals around you - some with business experience, some with clinical experience, and then some who are just there to support you on your tough days, and focus on putting one foot in front of the other, rather than stressing about the little things that may not be going right at the time because ultimately, if you're diligent enough with the job at hand, it will all iron itself out."

Final Thoughts

Any other thoughts that you would like to share with our viewers?

I am honestly just thankful to have the opportunity to share about our practice and our love for helping others. I would love all viewers of this article to know that we are a safe place to come with questions, concerns, or a desire for help in any way, so please don't hesitate to reach out!.

As Amanda Hill reflects on her journey, one thing is clear: her passion for helping others continues to fuel both her personal and professional growth. What began as a quiet fascination with human nature has blossomed into a career dedicated to supporting those in need of mental health care. Amanda’s unwavering commitment to her clients and her team is what sets her practice apart, and her plans for expansion only further demonstrate her desire to make a lasting impact.

Her journey reminds us that success is not just about building a business, but about fostering meaningful connections, creating a supportive environment, and continuously learning along the way. For Amanda, the future holds endless possibilities, and she remains steadfast in her mission to provide hope and healing to everyone who walks through her doors.

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  • October 3, 2024

This journey is a testament to resilience and innovation. An inspiring read for anyone looking to elevate their own path.

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