Daniel Glyde
April 17, 2024, 2:50 a.m.

The Journey of Entrepreneurial Visionary Daniel Glyde

Embark on a journey through the remarkable career of Daniel Glyde, a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader with a passion for innovation and technology. From his early beginnings in the bustling city of London to his ventures across continents, Daniel's trajectory has been defined by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible. With a diverse background spanning multiple industries and roles, Daniel has accumulated a wealth of experience and insights that have shaped his journey as a visionary leader. Join us as we delve into Daniel's extraordinary story, exploring the milestones, challenges, and triumphs that have defined his path to success.    

Early Life and Journey to Entrepreneurship

As a young lad, I always wanted to be a journalist. I loved telling stories and I loved writing. I’ve always adored connecting and communicating with other humans. I enjoy challenging people to think differently, to change their perspective and encourage them to take another point of view.

It took me until I was 28 to actually do that professionally. When I left University my plan was to travel so I went to work for my Dad in the bus company he owned to save up some money. Then I met a girl and the plans changed. I stayed working for my Dad and then he sold his company to a big corporation. I had always promised myself I wouldn’t enter the corporate world. I didn’t want anything to do with it. The parent company loved me, put me on their graduate fast track scheme and within a couple of years I was project managing a UK wide software implementation. Big bucks. I had a brand new convertible sports car, I owned my own house and had a lot of disposable income.

Then the relationship ended, and I remembered my dream of earning a living as a journalist and I remembered the promise I had made to myself as a student. So I sold my car, sold my house and went back to University to study broadcast journalism. Within a year I was working for the BBC. No network to speak of, no old school tie, I knew literally no one in the industry. But somehow on my own ingenuity, single minded determination and ability to build relationships I got in. I had a naive idea that I could tell people the truth and hold the powerful to account. You can’t really do that at an institution like the BBC and I found that out quickly. So I made my way from news and current affairs to sport. Because sport is fun.

I had the most amazing 20 years at the Beeb. I’m passionate about sport so to be involved in broadcasting events like The Olympic Games and the Football World Cup were a dream come true. I got to be involved in world leading innovation, I worked with some extraordinarily talented people and with some spectacular technology. But my mindset was askew. I went into that world with an all or nothing attitude. It served me early in my career, but I never revisited it, and eventually it caused me to burn out.

Mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted I finally questioned what had got me to that point. Prioritising my career over EVERYTHING and especially my well-being was my mistake. I decided to leave the BBC which was a massive decision. I stayed on for almost three years after that but that change of attitude led to a much nicer experience. And I got really into leading and mentoring.

I eventually left during the pandemic as they had to make cuts, I took voluntary redundancy and invested the money in myself. I trained as a coach and NLP practitioner. I continued to work as a freelance contractor in TV and I still do but now my full time gig is as a personal transformation coach and an expert in mental and emotional wellbeing.

Getting coaching transformed my life. It accelerated my personal growth in ways I never thought possible. It helped open me up to a world of possibilities I never knew existed. It helped me identify blind spots that were holding me back and causing me to sabotage myself. I got a clear set of intrinsic core values that I now live by and that’s helped me work on my belief system to optimise it for who I now want to be. 

My mission now is to bring joy and alleviate suffering and to change the world one bloke at a time. I’d be way behind on my path if I hadn't had several world class coaches. And now I get to be one too.

Daniel's Business Philosophy

I coach men. I have a philosophy about how to help men escape from the tyranny of society's idea of who they should be. I’ve tried desperately all my life not to be controlled by my conditioning but it’s impossible to escape from it. Unless you have great self awareness, and that has to be practised. I’ve worked on myself ever since I burnt out and have developed a process which works to bring about transformation and to free men from the expectations of the culture.

My company is called Positive Masculinity. But that is more than a name, it’s a life philosophy that supports and empowers men to be themselves. Positive Masculinity is about allowing men to authentically be themselves, breaking free from societal expectations, disregarding external opinions, and cultivating a 100% clear understanding of who they are. The core belief is that being true to oneself leads to 100% success.

The coaching is tailored for men who have realised the emptiness of material success and aspire to change the world by first transforming themselves. It targets those tired of conforming to someone else's rules, leading to stress and frustration. 

This coaching is for men who sense they are destined for more, value compassion and empathy, seek meaningful relationships, and strive for personal freedom. It's for selfless, loyal, adventurous, brave men who seek clarity, conviction, and purpose in life.

Growth and Expansion Plans

Currently all of my coaching is one-to-one. I run live events and workshops and I plan to do more group work. Once my one-to-one programmes are full I plan to expand into a men's group coaching course. I will also develop a learning platform and attract subscribers who can go through my process in their own time and at their own pace with a light touch from me.

For the long term future I plan to build an eco resort where I will hold retreats for men. So they can escape their everyday life and come to a location to receive world class coaching and build their future vision.

Reflecting on the Year

I’ve only been running my business now for just over a year. Currently the work is feast or famine. I had a tremendous summer and got to serve lots of clients. I’m still working with some of them. But the first three months of this calendar year have been slow. I’m working on systems and processes to create clients consistently.

Being an entrepreneur has been a steep learning curve. Having been an employee all my life I had no idea what to expect. And having to be responsible for every area of the business has been hard at times and a little overwhelming. I’ve never had to do sales and marketing before, I’ve always had someone else to do my admin, and finance has been another area where I have little expertise. One step at a time I’ve managed to get my head around it all and implement systems to make life easier. I’ve also got a lot of support which has been amazing. And having coaching has accelerated my progress.

Navigating the Competitive Market

I offer one to one personalised coaching programmes for men who feel stuck and want to change. As an ICF and CCE accredited life coach, I specialise in guiding men towards personal transformation and mental and emotional well-being. Through my "Power Shift" coaching method, I assist men in clarifying their values, understanding the root causes of stress, and establishing new habits and routines aligned with their goals and beliefs. 

Drawing from my own journey of leaving a successful broadcasting career to prioritise well-being, sustainability, and self-sufficiency, I offer a unique approach focused on internal transformation. Through my signature coaching program, "Become Extraordinary," I help men redefine their identities, rewire their belief systems, and execute strategic plans to live a life aligned with their core values, resulting in increased confidence, fulfilment, and peace of mind.

Teamwork and Unity

Cultivating Effective Teamwork and Unity

To foster effective teamwork and unity within organisations, it's essential to prioritise internal transformation and alignment with core values. Firstly, employees and organisations can prioritise clarity by defining a compelling vision for their collective future, ensuring that it resonates with their shared values and aspirations. By understanding what truly matters to each individual and the organisation as a whole, teams can establish a solid foundation for collaboration and synergy.

Secondly, it's crucial to optimise belief systems within the team. This involves examining and aligning individual and collective beliefs with the shared vision and values. By identifying and addressing any limiting beliefs or misconceptions, teams can cultivate a mindset of abundance, collaboration, and mutual support. This process of belief optimisation empowers team members to approach challenges with confidence and resilience, fostering a culture of trust and innovation.

Thirdly, execution is key to translating vision and beliefs into tangible results. Teams can develop strategic plans with clear short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals, ensuring that each member understands their role in achieving the shared vision. By implementing measures of success defined by the team, individuals feel a sense of ownership and accountability, driving motivation and commitment towards common objectives.

Finally, exceptional leaders with outstanding communication skills are what is required. A collaborative approach and amazing listening skills coupled with compassion and empathy is what any team or business needs to foster unity.

In conclusion, our interview with Daniel Glyde offers a captivating glimpse into the life and career of an entrepreneurial trailblazer fueled by innovation and a relentless drive for success. From his humble beginnings in London to his ventures across continents, Daniel's journey exemplifies the transformative power of passion, perseverance, and unwavering determination. Through his diverse experiences and leadership roles, Daniel has not only navigated the complexities of various industries but has also left an indelible mark on the landscape of entrepreneurship and technology. 

As we reflect on Daniel's story, we are inspired by his resilience, vision, and unwavering commitment to excellence. His insights and advice serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders alike, reminding us that with dedication and a bold entrepreneurial spirit, anything is possible. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Daniel Glyde for sharing his journey and wisdom with us, leaving us with a renewed sense of possibility and the belief that the future is ripe with opportunity for those bold enough to seize it.

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