Pakistan Ministry
July 5, 2024, 4:27 a.m.

Pakistan Ministry Imposes Ban on Idling in Office Amid Economic Challenges

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Pakistan's Federal Ministry of Planning, Development, and Special Initiative has recently implemented a stringent directive aimed at curbing inefficiencies in office hours. The directive, titled 'Idle Late Sitting in Office', prohibits officials from remaining in office premises beyond their designated working hours solely to utilize air conditioning facilities. This move comes amidst concerns over the misuse of office resources and is part of broader efforts to enhance productivity and fiscal discipline within the ministry.

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The directive, issued on Wednesday, July 3, underscores the ministry's commitment to optimizing operational efficiency. According to sources cited by The Nation, the ministry expressed serious concern over the observed practice of officials staying late in office without engaging in productive work. The communication from the ministry emphasized that such practices not only undermine productivity but also reflect a misuse of taxpayer-funded resources.

The directive specifically states, "It has been noted with significant concern that certain officers/officials of the Ministry prolong their presence in the office primarily to avail themselves of air-conditioned facilities, without being engaged in any official tasks or assignments." It further directs all personnel to strictly adhere to their designated working hours or justify any extended presence with legitimate work requirements.

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Non-compliance with these directives may result in disciplinary actions against offending officers/officials, as outlined in the communication.

In response to these developments, an official speaking to The Nation acknowledged the dual nature of office requirements, recognizing that while some personnel may legitimately require extended hours due to the nature of their responsibilities and workload, others have been observed idling away time until the end of the designated workday.

These measures coincide with broader economic challenges facing Pakistan, including recent fiscal adjustments such as a record 40% increase in taxes, implemented as part of the national budget to meet International Monetary Fund conditions for securing a new bailout. Additionally, the introduction of a new 'milk tax' has led to a substantial 20% rise in milk prices, impacting consumers and further highlighting the government's efforts to stabilize the economy amid financial pressures.

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Overall, the Ministry's directive to curb idling in office is positioned within a context of fiscal responsibility and efficiency, reflecting ongoing efforts to streamline operations and enhance accountability within governmental institutions.

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